طوفان “الفضفضة” لتنفيس احتقان اللبناني المتوتر

حسين زياد منصور

منذ بداية “طوفان الأقصى”، كثرت التكهنات والتحليلات السياسية حول دخول “حزب الله” المعركة بصورة رسمية وصريحة، وفتح جبهة الجنوب، لكن تأخير الأمين العام لـ “حزب الله” السيد حسن نصر الله، كلمته وتعليقه على ما يحصل في فلسطين، والحرب الضروس التي تقودها إسرائيل على غزة، لما يقارب الشهر، على الرغم من بعض العمليات عند الحدود، ضمن إطار “قواعد الاشتباك”، دفع الناس الى انتظار كلمته، وإطلاق المواقف مما سيعلنه.

ما قبل يوم الجمعة، كما بعده، التحليلات لا تزال مستمرة، لكن المفارقة، انتظار اللبنانيين كلمة نصر الله. فيوما الأربعاء والخميس وصباح الجمعة، كان الحديث الطاغي: نصر الله سيدخل المعركة أم لا، سيطلق الصواريخ أم سيتريث، القرار بيد “حزب الله” أم بيد إيران، لو كان يريد الدخول لأعلن عن ذلك منذ أسابيع، لبنان لا يحتمل الدخول في حرب، “حزب الله” سيورطنا، ان دخل الحزب فسيقضي على إسرائيل، الخميس ليلاً سيقوم “حزب الله” بعملية استباقية، ليعلن عنها السيد في كلمته، وسيخرج بين الناس مهدداً الأميركيين والإسرائيليين…، وغيرها الكثير من التحليلات التي يطلقها اللبنانيون وهم متوترون من احتمال دخول لبنان في حرب، أي أن نصر الله، بخطابه المتأخر، لم يقلق العدو الاسرائيلي وحسب، بل اللبنانيون جميعاً.

الجمعة كان يوم الفصل، تحدث نصر الله، والناس كلهم تسمروا أمام شاشات التلفزة في بيوتهم، وفي المقاهي والمطاعم، حتى على أرصفة الطرق يشاهدون السيد عبر هواتفهم المحمولة، لمعرفة ان كانت تحليلاتهم أصابت أم لا.

كل هذا الكلام عبارة عن “تنفيس” للتوتر والاحتقان اللذين يعيشهما اللبنانيون منذ 7 تشرين الأول، فإلى جانب الأزمات المتنوعة التي يعانونها، زاد فوقها خطر الدخول في حرب مع إسرائيل، والمخاطر والتبعات التي قد تنتج عنها وتحصل، فالبلد لم يعد يحتمل.

Bet Internationally with Ease Using MPesa on Top Betting Sites

Are you an avid sports fan who loves to place bets on your favorite teams and players? If so, you know how exciting it can be to try your luck and predict the outcome of a game. But what if you could take your betting experience to the next level by betting internationally with ease? Thanks to the convenience of mobile money transfers, such as MPesa, you can now bet on top betting sites from anywhere in the world. In this article, we will explore how MPesa has revolutionized the way people bet internationally, making it simpler, faster, and more accessible than ever before.

Gone are the days when you had to rely on traditional means of payment or navigate complex banking systems to place bets on international betting sites. With MPesa, a mobile money transfer service widely used in Kenya and other countries, you can now fund your betting account and withdraw your winnings with just a few taps on your phone. But that’s not all – MPesa offers a range of benefits that make it the preferred choice for bettors worldwide. From its secure and efficient transactions to its easy accessibility and widespread acceptance, MPesa has transformed the betting landscape. So, if you’re ready to explore the world of international betting, keep reading to discover how MPesa can enhance your betting experience.

The Growing Popularity of Online Betting: Exploring the Rise of International Betting Sites

Are you an avid sports bettor looking to expand your horizons and bet on international betting sites? Look no further than MPesa, the popular mobile money transfer service in Kenya. With MPesa, you can now bet internationally with ease and convenience, making it simpler than ever to access top betting sites from around the world. Whether you’re interested in football, basketball, tennis, or any other sport, MPesa allows you to seamlessly deposit and withdraw funds on these international platforms.

One of the best international betting sites that accepts MPesa is Betzoid. With a wide range of sports and betting options available, Betzoid provides an exciting and user-friendly platform for Kenyan bettors. You can easily access Betzoid using MPesa by visiting their website at https://betzoid.com/ke/international-betting-sites/. From there, you can create an account, deposit funds, and start betting on your favorite sports events from around the world.

Using MPesa on international betting sites offers several advantages. Firstly, it eliminates the need for traditional banking methods, allowing you to make quick and secure transactions directly from your mobile device. Additionally, MPesa provides a convenient way to manage your betting funds, with instant deposits and withdrawals. This means you can focus on enjoying the thrill of betting without worrying about payment hassles.

So, if you’re ready to take your sports betting to the next level and explore international betting sites, MPesa is the ideal payment method for you. Head over to Betzoid today and start enjoying a seamless and hassle-free betting experience. Visit https://betzoid.com/ke/international-betting-sites/ to get started now!

MPesa: The Convenient and Secure Payment Solution for Online Betting

With the rise of online betting, more and more people are looking for convenient and secure ways to place their bets. One popular method that has gained traction is using MPesa on top betting sites. MPesa is a mobile money transfer service that allows users to deposit and withdraw funds easily using their mobile phones. It has become especially popular in Kenya, where it was first introduced, and is now widely accepted by many international betting platforms.

One of the main advantages of using MPesa on top betting sites is the ease and convenience it offers. Instead of having to go through the hassle of using traditional banking methods or credit cards, MPesa allows users to transfer funds directly from their mobile wallets. This means no more filling out lengthy forms or worrying about security issues. With just a few clicks, bettors can quickly deposit funds into their betting accounts and start placing their bets right away.

Another benefit of using MPesa on top betting sites is the speed of transactions. Unlike other payment methods that may take hours or even days to process, MPesa transactions are almost instant. This is particularly important in the fast-paced world of online betting, where odds can change rapidly. By using MPesa, bettors can take advantage of live betting opportunities and place their bets in real-time, without any delays.

Furthermore, MPesa is a secure and reliable payment method. It uses encryption technology to protect users’ personal and financial information, ensuring that their transactions are safe from fraud or unauthorized access. Additionally, MPesa has a dedicated customer support team that is available 24/7 to assist users with any issues or concerns they may have. This provides bettors with peace of mind knowing that their funds and personal data are well-protected.

Accessing Top International Betting Sites with MPesa: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you an avid sports bettor looking to expand your horizons and bet internationally? Look no further than MPesa, the popular mobile money transfer service, which allows you to seamlessly deposit and withdraw funds on top betting sites. With MPesa, you can enjoy the convenience of betting on your favorite sports from the comfort of your own home, without the hassle of traditional banking methods.

One of the key advantages of using MPesa on top betting sites is the ease of transactions. With just a few clicks, you can deposit funds into your betting account and start placing bets within minutes. MPesa offers a secure and reliable platform, ensuring that your transactions are protected and your personal information remains confidential. Additionally, MPesa provides instant deposits and fast withdrawals, allowing you to access your winnings quickly and conveniently.

Another benefit of using MPesa for international betting is the wide range of betting sites that accept this payment method. From well-established bookmakers to emerging betting platforms, there is a plethora of options available to suit your preferences. Whether you prefer to bet on football, basketball, cricket, or any other sport, you can find a betting site that caters to your interests and accepts MPesa as a payment option.

Benefits of Using MPesa for International Betting: Convenience, Speed, and Security

Do you enjoy betting on sports and want to expand your options beyond local bookmakers? With MPesa, you can now bet internationally with ease on top betting sites. MPesa is a widely used mobile money transfer service in Kenya, allowing users to send and receive money, pay bills, and make purchases. Many reputable online betting platforms have integrated MPesa as a payment option, making it convenient for Kenyan bettors to fund their accounts and withdraw their winnings.

One of the advantages of using MPesa on top betting sites is the simplicity and speed of transactions. You can easily deposit funds into your betting account by selecting MPesa as your preferred payment method and entering the required details. The funds are usually credited instantly, allowing you to start betting right away. When it comes to withdrawing your winnings, MPesa provides a seamless process, ensuring that you receive your funds quickly and securely.

Another benefit of using MPesa for international betting is the accessibility it offers. You can bet on a wide range of sports and events from around the world, including popular leagues and tournaments. Whether you’re interested in football, basketball, tennis, or any other sport, top betting sites that accept MPesa provide a diverse selection of betting markets to cater to your preferences. This means you can explore different betting opportunities and potentially increase your chances of winning.

Security is a crucial aspect when it comes to online betting, and MPesa ensures that your financial transactions are protected. With its robust encryption and authentication protocols, you can have peace of mind knowing that your personal and financial information is kept confidential. Additionally, MPesa provides transaction records, allowing you to easily track your betting activities and manage your finances effectively. By using MPesa on top betting sites, you can enjoy a safe and secure betting experience.

As we have explored, MPesa has revolutionized the way people in Kenya and other African countries can engage in online betting. With its convenience, security, and widespread availability, MPesa has become the go-to payment method for many avid bettors. Whether you are a seasoned punter or just starting out, using MPesa on top betting sites allows you to bet internationally with ease. From quick deposits and withdrawals to seamless transactions, MPesa offers a hassle-free experience that ensures you can focus on what matters most – enjoying the thrill of betting and potentially winning big. So, why wait? Join the millions of bettors who are already using MPesa and take your online betting experience to the next level today!

الاختصاصي والباحث في علم النفس العيادي حسين حمية يشير في حديث لموقع “لبنان الكبير” الى أن “الأزمات والحروب خصوصاً هي أحداث تترك أثر الصدمة على الأفراد، على صعيد الصحة النفسية والتي تعد جزءاً لا يتجزأ من الصحة العامة. وخلال الظرف الذي نعيشه نلحظ أن لدى الشعب اللبناني استنفاراً ويقظة عالية جداً للجهاز النفسي، الذي ينتج استجابات مختلفة ومتباينة حسب الأفراد وخبرتهم السابقة في مثل هذه المواقف وتجاربهم، لذلك نرى ردود فعل متشابهة من أشخاص عاشوا حروباً سابقة وأشخاص يعيشونها للمرة الأولى. واستنفار الجهاز النفسي يشهد حالة من التوتر أو القلق تعزز أو تظهر الكثير من الأفكار أو المشاعر أو السلوكيات، وأثر الأحداث الجارية يؤثر في أفكار الفرد والشعور وتذهب باتجاه السلوك”.

ويقول: “بالنسبة الى استجابات أفراد المجتمع اللبناني لما يحصل في فلسطين، فهي تنعكس على أفراده، لأنهم يعيشون على الحدود مع عدو سبق أن اجتاح لبنان، وخاض حروباً واعتداءات عليه، هذا الحدث يوقظ لدى اللبنانيين كل المشاعر السابقة. إذاً ما يحصل في غزة يؤثر بصورة مباشرة على اللبناني الذي يشاهد ما يحصل”.

ويضيف: “أما بالنسبة الى ما قبل كلمة السيد نصر الله، فالناس لم تتمكن من الاستمرار في روتينها الطبيعي، وكل الأحداث التي حصلت ولا تزال، دفعتها الى متابعة الأخبار بصورة كمية ضخمة، ودفعت الأشخاص غير المهتمين بالأخبار خلال الأيام العادية الى متابعة ما يجري، ومن بين ذلك كلمة السيد نصر الله التي استحوذت على الاهتمام، لمعرفة ما سيجري”.

ويؤكد حمية أن “الحديث عما يحصل، وكلمة السيد نصر الله ومجرياتها، يصبحان جزءاً من التفريغ النفسي ويسمحان للناس بالتعبير عما لديها من تصورات وافتراضات وأفكار ونظرات تحليلية وتوقع مرتقب، وتعبّر عنها في السوشيل ميديا وجلسات السهر. وتأتي هذه التوقعات حسب اطلاعات الفرد وادراكاته واتجاهاته واسقاطاته النفسية وأحياناً كيف يحب أن تكون الأمور، فإن كان لا يريد الحرب سيقول انه يستبعد أن يذهب حزب الله الى حرب، ويجمع بصورة غير واعية الأخبار المرتبطة بذلك، وأصحاب النظرة التشاؤمية المدفوعون بالسوداوية والقلق فيتوقعون الأسوأ، وهناك أيضاً الأشخاص المدفوعون بغريزة المقاومة ويريدون من الحزب الدخول في المعركة وهذه الأحاسيس تعود الى البيئة التي يعيشون فيها. وهناك من يتجه الى المزاح وإطلاق النكات في سبيل التفريغ وتخفيف القلق المحتقن، بينما يسعى البعض الى تجنب متابعة الأخبار المتعلقة بما يجري”.

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